What is Providencia WPB Youth?
Providencia WPB Youth is a community of middle and high school students brought together for the purpose of building friendships, practicing vulnerability, and cultivating a deeper understanding of Jesus. We hope to extend Providencia WPB’s community to reach the younger generations of our church, so that we all may flourish.
What can I expect from Providencia WPB Youth?
A safe space for students to be fully themselves and pursue authentic community
Volunteer leaders that are excited by the opportunity to learn, listen and mentor
Opportunities to discover the presence of Jesus in one’s life story and in the world through studying scripture and confronting difficult questions
A break from your regular week to play games, be with friends and laugh
How do I or a child of mine get involved with Providencia WPB Youth?
Youth Group is made up of sixth through 12th graders and meets on Wednesday night throughout the school year.
In addition to our Wednesday night gatherings, our high school students meet every other Sunday at 5 p.m. for Bible study and dinner.
Whether you’re a parent looking for additional information or a student interested in joining us, please click below and someone from our leadership team will be happy to reach out to you.